A detailed image for this result can be found here:
Test Date: 30/7/14 6:31:43 a.m.
Connection Type: Wi-Fi
Server: Santo Domingo
Download: 1.09 Mbps
Upload: 4.15 Mbps
Ping: 65 ms
External IP: 181.37.xx.xxx
Internal IP:
Location: Santo Domingo
Ookla operates Speedtest.net using a massive global infrastructure to minimize the impact of Internet congestion and latency. With millions of tests performed every day across hundreds of servers, Speedtest.net is the ultimate resource for bandwidth testing and related information. Visit http://www.speedtest.net today to find out why.
Enviado desde mi Windows Phone
Test Date: 30/7/14 6:31:43 a.m.
Connection Type: Wi-Fi
Server: Santo Domingo
Download: 1.09 Mbps
Upload: 4.15 Mbps
Ping: 65 ms
External IP: 181.37.xx.xxx
Internal IP:
Location: Santo Domingo
Ookla operates Speedtest.net using a massive global infrastructure to minimize the impact of Internet congestion and latency. With millions of tests performed every day across hundreds of servers, Speedtest.net is the ultimate resource for bandwidth testing and related information. Visit http://www.speedtest.net today to find out why.
Enviado desde mi Windows Phone